Dr. Douglas Covington and Representative Rick Boucher

Radford University Archives > Douglas Covington Collection
Faculty and Adminstration, People, Events
Radford University
Coverage - Temporal
c. 1998-99
Radford University
A native of Winston-Salem, N.C., Dr. Douglas Covington was President of Radford University from 1995 to 2005. He was a graduate of Central State University and held both Master's and Ph.D. degrees from Ohio State University. Before coming to Radford he was president of Cheyney University in Pennsylvania, the nation's first historically Black educational institution. Covington also served as chancellor at Winston-Salem State University and president of Alabama A&M University. At RU, Covington was awarded tenure jointly in the departments of psychology and special education and the faculty rank of Professor of Psychology and Education. He retired from office in June of 2005
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