
Birthplace of Abraham Lincoln, Hodgensville, Kentucky

Special Collections > Keystone Slides
tiff scanned file from original glass slide
Here in this cabin was born one of our greatest Presidents. There is but one other who approaches greatness, and that was Washington. The two men were utterly different in almost every way. Washington was born of an aristocratic family and was well educated. On the other hand, Abraham Lincoln came of poor parentage. He had no early education, and he struggled hard to gain the position he finally reached. Unlike Washington, he was always a man of the common people. On September 4, 1916, the spot of ground that is here shown, was set apart "for the people of the United States forever." The Lincoln Farm Association bought this land with the old log cabin on it. They built over the cabin a beautiful Greek temple in order to preserve it. On the date given above, the Association formally presented their gift to the United States. President Wilson, on behalf of the people of the United States, delivered a speech of acceptance. When Lincoln's father settled at this spot there were woods all about. Here the Lincoln family lived until after his mother died. Then they moved to Indiana, and finally Illinois. When a young man he went down the Mississippi on a flat boat and made his first observations on slavery. When he went into politics, the question that stirred him most deeply was that of slavery. He debated against Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois, and gained a national reputation as a statesman. He was nominated by the Republican Party, and was elected in 1861. Then followed the four years of Civil War, the most trying time that a President of the United States ever had. Just as the war was over, he was assassinated. Keystone ID: 16741 Note: All titles, descriptions, and location coordinates are from the original Keystone Slide documentation as supplied by the Keystone View Company. No text has been edited or changed.
Copyright by the Keystone View Company. The original slides are housed in McConnell Library's Special Collections.