
At Milking Time on a Dutch Farm

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The Dutch have never been such noted farmers as their neighbors, the Belgians. They are shrewd traders, stubborn warriors, and bold sailors, as their history fully relates. They hold colonies far over the seas, and they have great cities. The Dutch flag flies in every great harbor of the world at the masts of a Dutch trading vessel. It was the Dutch who were the chief rivals of England for the control of the seas in days gone by. But they have also always been lovers of cattle and of the products of the dairy. The country along the Rhine was settled by the Friesians and Bavarians who brought their herds with them. An early Roman historian tells of their great herds of cattle. The cows you see in the picture came from this same stock of cattle. They are called Holstein-Friesians. You will find plenty of the same breed in the United States. And many kinds of dairy cattle in Europe have come from this stock. The Holsteins are all colored as these cows here. They are white with black spots and patches. They give great quantities of milk, which is not very rich in butter fat. They get their growth early, can stand harsh climates, and are of gentle disposition. There are now in northern Netherlands about 100,000 of these cattle. It is no wonder that the Dutch have a great name as butter and cheese makers. This is a typical Holland scene. The country is so flat you can see almost all of it from a tower in the center. In the background of the view you see the four-armed windmills for which Holland is famed. These mills furnish power to pump water, grind feed, etc. What colonies in America did the Dutch settle? What colonies in the world do they now control? Keystone ID: 12201 Note: All titles, descriptions, and location coordinates are from the original Keystone Slide documentation as supplied by the Keystone View Company. No text has been edited or changed.
Copyright by the Keystone View Company. The original slides are housed in McConnell Library's Special Collections.