Stratton's Survival: the Nelson County Flood of 1969, Audio

Appalachian Collections > Appalachian Folklife Archive
Oral histories--Appalachia
Nelson County (Va.)
Hurricane Camille, 1969
Woodson, Lindsay
Stratton, Robert A.
text and audio
Coverage - Temporal
Appalachian Regional and Rural Studies Center. Radford University
Archives & Special Collections. McConnell Library. Radford University
In this project Lindsay Woodson interviewed Robert A. Stratton about his experiences during the Nelson County flood of August, 1969. The flood was the result of Hurricane Camille, which came through the area and got stuck in the mountains. Torrential rain caused more than 27 inches of rain to gather in a period of eight hours causing flash floods, mudslides, and debris to be strewn across the county. Catastrophic flooding and long term power outages in addition to road travel being reduced or eliminated made survival in certain areas a struggle. Mr. Stratton talks of the floods and how his family survived. The family had canned foods in their house and were able to survive from eating those and cooking on a woodstove for the approximately one month they were without power and telephone. This interview is among projects created by students enrolled in English 446 (initially English 452), “Appalachian Folklore,” 1981-2019, and in graduate level counterparts English 548 and 648 “Appalachian Folk Culture(s)” offered 17 fall semesters between 1987 and 2009. Minimally contain collector’s introduction and analysis, transcribed informant interviews, and excerpted and labeled examples of oral, customary, and/or material folklore/folklife collected primarily within the Appalachian region. Most include also tables of contents, informant information, indexes (outlines) of interviews, photographs, miscellaneous paper items, and indexes of informants, genres, and geographic locations. Accompanying audio recordings (several minutes to 2+ hours). Transferred to McConnell Library Archives & Special Collections from Appalachian Regional and Rural Studies Center, Fall 2013.
All rights are reserved by the original creators and their informants, excepting those expressly provided in a permission form on file in the Archives offices. Content is available for free personal, non-commercial, and educational use, provided that proper citation is used (e.g. McConnell Library Archives and Special Collections, Radford University, Radford, VA). Any commercial use of the materials, without the written permission of Radford University, is strictly prohibited. Please refer to the McConnell Library Archives and Special Collections website for more information.