Tobacco Field, Kentucky

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The United States is by far the greatest tobacco-producing country in the world. In 1915 our country produced more than 1,000,000,000 pounds. Russia, the second important tobacco growing country, produced, in 1913, about one-fifth of this amount. Austria-Hungary and France follow in this order. Among the crops of the United States, tobacco now takes seventh rank in value. Among the crops of the world it ranks ninth in value. Tobacco is grown in many of our states. Kentucky easily leads all others in its production. In 1915 the crop of the state amounted 356,400,000 pounds. North Carolina ranked second, with 198,400,000 pounds. Virginia came third, with 144,357,000 pounds; Ohio stood fourth, with 84,330,000 pounds; Tennessee was fifth, with 69,657,000 pounds. Here is one of the fields in the famous Kentucky tobacco-growing district. Tobacco seeds are sown in hotbeds or in cold frames, and the small plants are set out by hand or by machines. This transplanting takes place in April, May, or June, depending on the latitude. The rows are from 3 to 4 feet apart and the plants are variously spaced in the hills. Sometimes they are set as close as 1 1/2 feet. Other times they are twice this distance apart. The young plants are cultivated just as corn is. Before the bloom appears the tops are broken out in order that the strength of the plant may be forced into the leaves. The mature plants are from four to six feet high. Tobacco is harvested either by cutting the stalks or by breaking the leaves off. The leaves are hung in large barns where they are cured. You see a great number of these barns in the distance. Tobacco is a native of America. The Indians were smoking the weed when Columbus discovered the Western Continent. Keystone ID: 20092 Note: All titles, descriptions, and location coordinates are from the original Keystone Slide documentation as supplied by the Keystone View Company. No text has been edited or changed.
Copyright by the Keystone View Company. The original slides are housed in McConnell Library's Special Collections.