Natives in Market Place, Sarajevo, Bosnia, Austria-hungary

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Sarajevo (så´ rå-y-v) is the capital of the province of Bosnia-Herzegovina (bz´ n-å- hr´ ts-g-v´ nä), in the extreme southeastern part of Austria-Hungary. It is the city with a population of about 50,000, one third of whom are Mohammedans (m-hm´ d-n). The city is a queer mixture of the old and the new. In the old parts the houses are scattered, and each is situated in a beautiful little garden. In the newer sections the houses are modern, and built compactly like business buildings along our streets. The most picturesque single feature of the city is the mosques (msk), or Mohammedan churches, with their sharp minarets (mn´ å-rt). Formerly all this country was in the possession of the Turks who have left their stamp upon it in matters of Turkish clothes and buildings. Since Austria came to control it, the country has become more lively and more modern than before. It is in the bazaar (bå-zär´) at which you are looking that one has the best chance to study the various nationalities and businesses of the people in and about Sarajevo. Wednesday is the chief market day-the day when farmers come in from long distances to exchange their produce for shoes, saddles, or copper ware. The market is made up of a crisscrossing of streets and lanes numbering about 50. Each craft has its own section. Here is a part given over to the greengrocers, another to the carpet trade, another to the fancy linens interwoven with gold and silver threads, and so on. Sarajevo became suddenly prominent in 1914. It was here on June 28, that Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne, was assassinated. It was this act that was the immediate cause of the Great European War. Keystone ID: 15611 Note: All titles, descriptions, and location coordinates are from the original Keystone Slide documentation as supplied by the Keystone View Company. No text has been edited or changed.
Copyright by the Keystone View Company. The original slides are housed in McConnell Library's Special Collections.