Barcelona, Spain, from the Harbor

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Barcelona (bär´ s-l´ nä) is the liveliest city in Spain. It is as large as Baltimore, and leads all other Spanish cities in commerce and manufacturing. Ships flying the flags of all nations drop anchor in its harbor. Iron foundries, machine shops, silk mills, cotton mills, chemical works, flour mills, and chocolate factories send their smoke against the foothills of the Pyrenees. Barcelona seems to belong to another world from that of Madrid (mä-drd´) or Granada (grä-nä´ dä). It is more like the cities of France, England, or Germany. Barcelona was a city when Augustus Caesar ruled in Rome. Its name is said to come from that of a famous general (Hamilcar Barca) of Carthage, when Carthage was fighting Rome for control of the Mediterranean (md -tr-´ n-n). That was centuries before Rome had known a Caesar. Barcelona has therefore a long history. In Columbus' day, it was rival of Venice and Genoa for the Mediterranean trade. Perhaps it was Barcelona's fame that led Columbus to seek Spanish aid, when his native Italy failed him. Anyway it is fitting that a great monument to Columbus should watch over Barcelona harbor. It was Spain that gave the great sailor to the world; and Barcelona has been, and is, the center of Spanish shipping. It is this monument you see beyond the vessel on the left of the view. The monument is 200 feet high. On its top is a gilded ball. On this stands a statue of Columbus 23 feet high. At the base of the monument stand 8 bronze lions; and there are scenes from the life of Columbus done in bronze. Where was Columbus born? Why did he go to Spain? From what port in Spain did Columbus set sail? Keystone ID: 15808 Note: All titles, descriptions, and location coordinates are from the original Keystone Slide documentation as supplied by the Keystone View Company. No text has been edited or changed.
Copyright by the Keystone View Company. The original slides are housed in McConnell Library's Special Collections.